Goom Pledges to Inspire Women in Construction & Engineering
Goom is pleased to announce that we support Construction News' 'Inspiring Women in Construction & Engineering Pledge'.
As a signatory of the pledge, we recognise it is our responsibility to take action to facilitate change for the better within our business.

The construction industry historically is a male-dominated sector, so in order to appeal to more women, Goom is ensuring we promote gender equality in each sector of our business, including through our recruitment processes. Ensuring our job advertisements for both onsite workers and office staff are inclusive to all genders is crucial to us to help inspire more women to choose careers in the construction industry.
In order to promote a working environment that allows women to thrive, we have a zero-tolerance policy for derogatory attitudes towards all staff, particularly for detrimental workplace "banter" that isolates women. Goom's objective is to create a safe space for employees to report such behaviour so that if there are instances where our objectives are not followed, we can act quickly and appropriately.
Goom have signed this pledge so that we, along with all other signatories within the construction industry can work together to support, promote and allow women to excel within the construction and engineering industry - now and in every year to come.