As part of our Goom Goes Green objective, we are striving toward
carbon neutrality as a business within the next 6 years. Check out the following 6 ways we have been reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions:

1. Gradually we are replacing our vehicles with either electric or hybrid vehicles as a more sustainable means of travel.
2. Implementation of new, more sustainable, and energy-efficient technology, including LED lighting systems and solar installations.
3. By offering more flexibility with employees working from home, we have decreased commutes and therefore carbon emissions. Encouraging online meetings rather than face-to-face has contributed to a significant decrease in our carbon emissions.
We have seen an increase in vehicle-less commutes with our local employees after encouraging those that can walk to work together.
4. Participation in tree-planting days to contribute to offsetting the excessive paper we
will have used in the past.
5. Disposing responsibly of our materials. We are reducing our material consumption through strict monitoring of stock levels to prevent carrying too much stock, reusing materials where possible, and recycling all materials and items that we can recycle.
6. Reevaluated our paper usage as a company and have been making a conscious effort to decrease this and become paperless.